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Kb > Knowledgebase Article KB1001.001

Problem: Comments has been registered, but still shows up as an evaluation version

This article applies to Comments.

Last Updated: 23 May 2002


    Comments has been registered, but still shows up as an evaluation version. Comments says it's registered when run from the command line, but says it's not registered when run by the web server as a CGI program.


    If Comments appears to be set up correctly when you run it from the command line, but can't find the SMTP host, or thinks it's not registered, or has other problems when you run it as a CGI program, then you have a permissions problem in the system registry. When you run Comments from the command line, it runs in the security context of the logged-on user. However, when Comments runs as a CGI program, it runs in the security context of the web server (usually a special account, named something like IIS_machinename). The problem occurs when you (the logged-on user) have access to the registry, but the web server does not.


    Use regedt32.exe to grant Read rights to Everyone in the following two registry keys (and check the box to include any existing subkeys):


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