Problem: You receive a 'Sorry! Internal error or misconfiguration. Please check with your system administrator.' response when attempting to change a password. Error 1265 is logged.
This article applies to Domain Password.
Last Updated: 14 October 2016
Problem and Symptoms
Domain Password displays "Sorry! Internal error or misconfiguration. Please check with your system administrator." and is unable to change the password. In addition,
the DOMPASS.LOG file contains ERROR 1265 messages indicating a problem contacting the domain controller. Logged messages may be similar to
"ERROR 1265: The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you." or
"ERROR 1265: The system cannot contact a domain controller to service the authentication request. Please try again later."
With Windows security updates released 9 August 2016, Microsoft changed how programs must communicate with the domain controller
in order to successfully change passwords. The DNS name information of the domain must be explicitly passed in order for password changes to succeed.
See MS16-101: Security update for Windows authentication methods: August 9, 2016
for details.
Prior to MS16-101, it was possible to allow the system to automatically determine the proper domain. After this update, it is now
necessary to indicate the DNS name of the domain in the DOMPASS.INI configuration file.
Edit the DOMPASS.INI file to uncomment the [Domains] header section and list at least one domain using its full Active Directory DNS name.
For example:
Note that this will cause the Domain dropdown selection field to appear in your form. This cannot be avoided.