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Kb > Knowledgebase Article KB1001.501

FAQ: How to upgrade to a newer version of a Greyware product

This article applies to most Greyware products.

Last Updated: 23 May 2002


    How can you upgrade to the lastest version of a Greyware product?


    We are constantly updating our software to add new features. You may not have the current version, but if you registered within the past year, you are probably entitled to any upgrades, patches, or fixes without paying anything more. In some rare cases (a major new release), you may not get the ugprade for free. If you have a paid-up maintenance agreement in place, you are always entitled to upgrade at no additional charge.

    Log onto your Greyware account and download the new version from the list of registered products shown for you. Most upgrades are accomplished by running the SETUP program and choosing upgrade, but the README.TXT file included with every program will have exact instructions.

    If you don't have an Greyware account set up, but have purchased a license for our software in the past, or if your account page tells you that the free upgrade period has expired, then write to Tech Support and ask about upgrading. If the software simply needs to be added to your download list, we will add it. If there is a fee for upgrading, we will calculate the price and let you know.

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