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Kb > Knowledgebase Article KB2001.A04

FAQ: How can you specify the source port for DT2, NTP, or TIME/ITP?

This article applies to Domain Time II.

Last Updated: 12 June 2015


    How can you specify the source port for DT2, NTP, or TIME/ITP?


    By default, Domain Time II will use any available port as the source port when sending requests. The first free ephemeral port is assigned by the operating system at the time of the request. You may, however, force Domain Time II to use a specific port instead.

    On version 5.x and later, you may change the setting on the Network property page of the Domain Time applet. On earlier versions, you must use the registry to make the change.

    The following registry entries control the source port used for Domain Time II, NTP/SNTP, and TIME/ITP on Server, Full Client, and Thin Client.

    • Send Port DT2
      Default: 0 (or not present)

    • Send Port NTP
      Default: 0 (or not present)

    • Send Port TIME
      Default: 0 (or not present)

    By default, these entries are not present or set to zero. When the value is not present or zero, the system will use any available port. When the value is any other number (1 to 65535) the system will try to use the port you specify. Changes take effect immediately.

    Note that you cannot specify a port that is already in use by Domain Time or another process. For example, Domain Time II is always listening on port 9909, so you cannot also send requests on port 9909. Likewise, any machine running a web server is listening on port 80, so you cannot send requests from port 80.

    If Domain Time cannot obtain ownership of the port you specify, it will try to continue operating using the first free port provided by the operating system. If Domain Time can obtain ownership, it will use the port you specify for the duration of the request, and then release it for use by other programs or the next Domain Time request. However, you may have unexpected results. Always verify the port you are specifying is free.

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