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Kb > Knowledgebase Article KB2002.101

Problem: Event Viewer shows the message Event ID 49, "An unexpected error occurred while trying to start the server. The port may be in use."

This article applies to Domain Time.

Last Updated: 12 June 2015


    Event Viewer shows the message Event ID 49, "An unexpected error occurred while trying to start the server. The port may be in use" on startup or if you try to start the Windows Time (W32Time) service manually.


    Both Domain Time II Server (or Domain Time Client if you have the NTP Listener enabled) and the Windows Time (W32Time) service are trying to listen for NTP requests on UDP port 123. Only one process may bind to a port on any particular IP address. As a result, whichever service happens to start first will "own" the port, and the other one will generate an error indicating that the port is already in use.


  1. If your machine is a Windows DC and also a Cluster Server, you must allow Windows Time (W32Time) to be the NTP server. Use Domain Time's control panel applet to turn off the NTP/SNTP protocol (or disable the NTP Listener on Client). Stop and restart the Domain Time Server service, then stop and restart the Windows Time service.

  2. If your machine is not a Cluster Server, you should just disable the Windows Time service.

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