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Kb > Knowledgebase Article KB2002.329

FAQ: How do I change the service log filename or path?

This article applies to most Greyware products that run as a background service, i.e. Domain Time, System Change Log, etc..

Last Updated: 7 February 2013


    How do I change the service log filename or path?


    Greyware system services normally write their log file(s) to the system32 directory. By setting a registry value, you can change the location of the log file.

    Modifying registry entries requires basic familiarity with the Windows Registry and its operations. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in unpredictable, perhaps non-repairable, damage, up to and including a non-bootable system! Have a qualified technician make the changes for you if you are not comfortable with the process. We cannot be responsible for registry problems.

    To change the service log file location, use Registry Editor to:

    1. Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Greyware\[Product Name]\Parameters key for the installed Greyware product.

    2. Add a new string (REG_SZ) entry called Service Log Filename (three words).

    3. Set the Service Log Filename entry to the fully-qualified path and filename where you want the log file. Example: C:\logs\domtimec.log. The service will not create the path for you. In this example, the path C:\logs must already exist.

    4. Since the service runs in its own security context, it cannot know about drives you have mapped when you are logged on. Therefore, you must either use a local drive or the fully-qualified UNC path to a remote drive.

    5. We do not recommend setting the log file to another machine. Doing so can cause significant overall system performance slowdowns if the log file is busy or the connection is slow. In addition, if the remote share becomes unavailable for any reason, log entries during that time will be lost and the system may appear to freeze for long periods of time.

      However, if you must set the log file location to a remote drive using a UNC path (example, \\FRED\logs\domtimec.log, where FRED is the name of the remote machine, logs is the name of a share on that machine, and domtimec.log is the filename you want to use), you must also change how the service logs on.

      By default, the service logs on as LocalSystem, a special internal account that has authority on the local machine but no network access. You must change this to a user account that has the authority to access the UNC path you choose for the log file. Use Control Panel | Services to change the startup settings for the service.

      IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that this new account must also have the same rights as the original LocalSystem account on the local machine in order for the software to continue to operate properly.

    6. Changes take effect the next time the service is started. You may either stop and restart the service from Control Panel, or reboot the machine.

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