Problem: Domain Password installed but not responding on Windows Server using IIS
This article applies to Domain Password
Last Updated: 27 April 2005
Domain Password is installed on Windows Server 2003, but the CGI application doesn't appear
to be responding even though IIS is running.
Domain Password is a CGI application that requires that CGI scripting be properly enabled
on the web server. Versions of IIS starting with 6.0 on Windows Server 2003 have new
restrictions on CGI programs that require additional configuration steps. By default, any
new CGI program must have an Application Extension Mapping defined for its executable in the website properties,
AND it must be added to the Web Service Extension Restriction List (WSERL) before
it will be executed by IIS.
First, be sure you have created an Application Extension Mapping for the DOMPASS.EXE executable in your
website properties. To do this, open IIS Manager and view the Properties for your website. Click the
the Home Directory tab and click the Configuration button in the Application Settings section to
bring up the Application Configuration dialog. Click the Add button to add the complete local path
to the DOMPASS.EXE executable file (use Browse to locate it if necessary). Be sure the Allow all verbs
radio button is selected.
Next, you must add the DOMPASS.EXE to the WebService Extension Restriction list (WSERL).
You can do this in one of two ways:
- Use the IIS IisExt.vb command-line script to add DOMPASS.EXE to the WSERL.
- Open a Command Promt window and change to the Sysvol\System32 folder (the default is Windows\System32)
- Type the following:
iisext /EnFile [ScriptPath]dompass.exe
where [ScriptPath] is the complete path to your Scripts folder, i.e. c:\cgi-bin\
You should receive the following response:
Connecting to server ...Done.
Enabling extension file complete.
See Microsoft Knowledgebase article 328360 and
Configuring CGI Applications
pages for more information.
- Use the Web Server Extension section of the IIS Manager MMC to allow all CGI programs to run, regardless
of whether they are entered in the WSERL. Note this option is somewhat less secure than the previous method.
- Open the IIS Manager MMC applet
- Choose the Web Server Extensions section and set the "Allow All Unknown CGI Extensions" option to "Allow."