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Kb > Knowledgebase Article KB2008.909

FAQ: How to configure Domain Time Client, Server, or DTLinux when making a cloned OS image

    This article applies to Domain Time II.

    Last Updated: 07 Jan 2021


      How do I configure Domain Time Client, Server, or DTLinux properly when making a cloned OS image for installation?


      Each instance of Client, Server, or DTLinux requires a unique serial number and a unique PTP clockId. These are normally generated randomly or from the MAC of the first Ethernet adapter when the service starts for the first time, and remain the same even if you change Ethernet adapters or migrate the machine to a different host. In addition, the service uses many hardware attributes specific to the machine on which it installed.

      If you simply clone an existing Domain Time installation onto a new machine, you will have duplicated serial numbers and PTP clockid's on your network which will cause conflicts with existing machines. Duplicate serial numbers will result in auditing problems. In addition, the machines will be using incorrect machine-specific values which will result in poor timing.

      To avoid these problems, you must prepare your machine for cloning before making the cloned image.


    Instructions for Domain Time Client or Server for Windows:

      To prepare Domain Time Client or Server on a machine being used for OS installation by cloning, perform the following steps:

      1. Install a new, fresh copy of Domain Time Client or Server onto the machine you want to use to create your master image.

      2. Set the configuration settings for the Client exactly the way that you want your cloned machines to operate.

      3. Do some test synchronizations and check the logs. Verify that the machine is working as expected.

      4. Prepare the installation for cloning. You may choose to use the Automatic Prep method or you may manually finish the client prep process:


        Automatic Prep Method (preferred) Version 5.2.b.20110831 or newer only
        1. Run the following command from the command-prompt elevated to administrative privileges (Run As Administrator):

            DTCheck /prepclone

          This performs all of the steps described in the Manual Prep Method below for you automatically. Once you've run the command, your machine is ready to be cloned.

        2. Make your master image copy of the operating system. IMPORTANT: Do not restart the Domain Time service before making the image. The Client will repopulate the deleted values on the cloned machine based on the new machine's hardware when the Domain Time service restarts.


        Manual Prep Method
        1. Stop (but do not disable) the Domain Time service.

        2. Delete all registry values that start with the words "Clock Adjustment" from the HKLM\Software\Greyware\Domain Time Client[Server]\Parameters key, i.e.
          • Clock Adjustment (100-ns intervals)
          • Clock Adjustment Maximum
          • Clock Adjustment Minimum

        3. Delete all registry values (if present) that start with the words "Critical Timing" from the HKLM\Software\Greyware\Domain Time Client[Server]\Parameters key, i.e.
          • Critical Timing Boost (ms)
          • Critical Timing Detected 'UsePlatformClock'
          • Critical Timing Interpolation Period

        4. Delete all registry values (if present) from the HKLM\Software\Greyware\Domain Time Client[Server]\History\Clock key.

        5. Delete this registry value from HKLM\Software\Greyware\Domain Time Client[Server]\Time Sources\PTPv2 (IEEE 1588):
          • ClockIdentity Cache

        6. Delete this registry value from HKLM\Software\Classes\Gap\DT2\Info:
          • Serial Number

        7. Make your master image copy of the operating system. IMPORTANT: Do not restart the Domain Time service before making the image. Domain Time will repopulate the deleted values on the cloned machine based on the new machine's hardware when the Domain Time service restarts.

        Note: If you have already installed a cloned image without performing the above steps, you may fix any misbehaving machines by performing the Automatic Prep Method or the steps of the Manual Prep Method on the new machine, then rebooting the machine or restarting the Domain Time service.


    Instructions for Domain Time Client for Linux (DTLinux):

    1. Install a new, fresh copy of DTLinux onto the machine you want to use to create your master image.

    2. Set the configuration settings in the dtlinux.conf file exactly the way that you want your cloned machines to operate.

    3. Do some test synchronizations and check the logs. Verify that the machine is working as expected.

    4. Run the following command as root or sudo:

        systemctl stop dtlinux.service
        dtlinux -prepClone

    5. Make your master image copy of the operating system. IMPORTANT: Do not restart the DTLinux service before making the image. DTLinux will generate new machine-specific values on the cloned machine based on the new machine's hardware the next time the service restarts.


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