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Kb > FAQ: How to move Domain Time II Server, Manager, and Audit Server to a new machine

FAQ: How to move Domain Time II Server, Manager, and Audit Server to a new machine

This article applies to Domain Time II.

Last Updated: 11 Sep 2020


    How do I move Domain Time II Server, Manager, and Audit Server to a new machine?


  1. Install a fresh copy of both Domain Time Server, Manager, and Audit Server (also Monitor Service and Update Server, if you're using them) on the new system from the distribution files.

  2. For best results, upgrade all components on both machines to the latest Domain Time version.

  3. Stop all of the Domain Time services (Server, Audit Server, Monitor and/or Update Server) on both machines.

  4. Set all of the Domain Time services on the old machine to "Disabled". You don't want the them to run accidentally after the move.

  5. If you are running additional Audit Servers in Standby Mode, disable Standby Mode replication on those machines.

  6. On the old machine, use RegEdit to export the entire HKLM\SOFTWARE\Greyware key from the registry to a .reg file. Copy that .reg file to the new machine and import it.

  7. With all services still stopped, use RegEdit on the new machine and remove the following keys from the registry:

    1. Delete all registry values that start with the words "Clock Adjustment" from the HKLM\Software\Greyware\Domain Time Server\Parameters key, i.e.
      • Clock Adjustment (100-ns intervals)
      • Clock Adjustment Maximum
      • Clock Adjustment Minimum

    2. Delete all registry values (if present) that start with the words "Critical Timing" from the HKLM\Software\Greyware\Domain Time Server\Parameters key, i.e.
      • Critical Timing Boost (ms)
      • Critical Timing Detected 'UsePlatformClock'
      • Critical Timing Interpolation Period

    3. Delete all registry values (if present) from the HKLM\Software\Greyware\Domain Time Server\History\Clock key.

  8. Copy the folders containing any collected logs, templates, or other audit data from the C:\Program Files\Domain Time II folder on the old machine to the new. If you have relocated any data folders from the program defaults to other locations on the old server, copy them to the new server in the same locations.

      IMPORTANT: Do NOT copy any program files from the C:\Program Files\Domain Time II, C:\Program Files\Domain Time II\i386, or C:\Program Files\Domain Time II\amd64 folders.

  9. Copy the Windows\System32\dtcache.bin file to the same location on the new machine (this is the Manager database)

  10. Restart all the Domain Time services on the new machine.

  11. If you were using Audit Servers in Standby Mode, reconfigure them to replicate from the new machine.

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