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Logonmon > Logon Monitor Server Edition - Network Settings

 Software/Logon Monitor Server Edition/Network Settings
    This tab page allows you to determine if Logon Monitor Server Edition on this machine will be allowed to collect logon data records from other machines running the Logon Monitor service. Logon Monitor data is received on port 1017 TCP and UDP.

    Logon Monitor Server Edition Control Panel - Network Settings Tab
    The Logon Monitor Server Edition Control Panel Applet - Network Settings Tab

    Local Connections

    This section lets you set Logon Monitor Server Edition to accept logon data from other Logon Monitor services running on machines in your local network.

      Allow connections from machines on the local network
      When this box is checked, Logon Monitor Server Edition will accept logon data records from machines determined to be on your local network (subnet). The IP ranges displayed are calculated automatically based on your TCP/IP settings in your Windows Network Connections. These entries are display-only and cannot be modified.

    Other Connections
    This section lets you set Logon Monitor Server Edition to accept logon data from other Logon Monitor services running on machines not located on your local network.

      Allow connections from machines on non-local networks
      When this box is checked, Logon Monitor Server Edition will accept logon data records from machines determined to be on your local network (subnet). The IP ranges displayed are calculated automatically based on your TCP/IP settings in your Windows Network Connections.

      You can use the Grant access... and Deny access... radio buttons to choose whether to permit or refuse logon data records from IP ranges you enter in this list. The RFC 1918 private network ranges are entered by default. You can modify or delte these ranges as necessary.


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