This tab page allows you to control what kind of events to record in the Logon Monitor Server Edition text log. You can also set the maximum log size and enable debugging information.
The Logon Monitor Server Edition Control Panel Applet - Text Log Settings Tab
Text Log
When this box is checked, Logon Monitor Server Edition will record logon/logoff activity to a text log file. By default,
the log file is named LOGONMON.LOG and is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder.
The location of the text log can be changed by creating/editing the HKLM\Software\Greyware\Greyware Logon Monitor\Parameters\Server Log Filename
value (REG_SZ) in the registry. However, since important system events are recorded in this log, changing the text log file location is not recommended.
Note: Even if this box is unchecked, the service will still record service events, warnings and errors to the log file. Unchecking this box will only prevent
user account logon information from being included.
User Logons - When checked, Logon Monitor Server Edition will record user logon events.
User Logoffs - When checked, Logon Monitor Server Edition will record user logoff events.
User Active/Idle Status - These events indicate when a logged-in user's session changes from Active to Idle
(for example, when their screen saver kicks in).
Service Startups - When checked, and entry will be made when the Logon Monitor Server Edition service starts.
Service Startups - When checked, and entry will be made when the Logon Monitor Server Edition service stops.
Completed Session Summaries - Checking this box will cause a summary entry to be entered in the log when a user's
login session ends. The summary will include information such as how long the user was logged in, how long the session was in Idle status, etc.
Events from this machine only
If this button is selected, the text log will only record events that occur on the local machine. Any incoming data records from other Logon Monitor
machines will be not be included (note that incoming events may still be collected into one of the other log types, such as CSV, database, or Event Viewer).
This allows you to individually determine which of the log types will collect what kind of information (and from where).
Events from this machine and any machine reporting to this machine
If this button is selected, the text log will record all events originating on the local machine, and
also include any data records reported to the service from other machines running Logon Monitor.
Record events using this machine's local time zone - Check this box if you want the timestamp on events in the log
to be recorded in the time zone that is set on the local machine. If the box is unchecked, events will be stamped with the UTC time.
- Use this button to open the built-in Log Viewer where you can view the current log, clear the log, or save it to another filename.
The built-in Log Viewer will show you the current log in real-time.
Logon Monitor Server Edition Control Panel - Built-in Log Viewer Screen
Click the Clear Log button to erase the current log, or click the Open with Notepad button to open the log as a text
file that you can edit for length and save.
Clicking the Use Fixed Font box will cause the log viewer text to be displayed in a fixed-width
font so that columns line up properly. Unchecking this box will use a proportionally-spaced font so that more of each individual
line is visible.
Maximum size - MB. Determines the largest size of the text log in megabytes. When the maximum size is reached, older messages will begin to scroll off
as newer messages are added. Use a size of 0 (zero) to indicate no limit to the size of the log.
Include debugging and operational status messages
When checked, the text log will include verbose information about its operation that is very useful for troubleshooting. However, the log will grow very rapidly when
debugging is enabled, so be sure to only enable this mode during testing.