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Domain Time II > v5 > Configuration > Server > Public Time Servers

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Public Time Servers  Public Time Servers
Domain Time II Server
Version 5.2

If you don't have your own GNSS (GPS) or CDMA receiver, cesium clock, or other trusted time source on your local network, you will need to obtain the time over the Internet from a public time server. This page will help you locate an appropriate server.

IMPORTANT: Internet time servers are not always reliable; they can be overloaded, misconfigured, subject to network delays, or simply go away without notice. Be sure to enable the Analyze time samples... option and include at least three time sources in your configuration (setting each source to request 3 samples) to help compensate for these problems.

You should test each time server you choose for reliability and accuracy before committing to use it in production. The Domain Time II Time Server Test (included with Domain Time II Manager) and NTPCheck (included with Domain Time II Server and Client) utilities are ideal for this purpose.

Do not assume you can use the default time servers listed by Domain Time II Server. These servers are listed as a convenience, to help you get started. You must honor the requirements posted by each time service provider. Usually nothing more than asking permission is required. Some servers have regional restrictions; others only allow specific NTP strata; others may have other requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance. Time service providers operate on the honor system, and the system will only continue functioning smoothly if everyone abides by the rules.

Domain Time Servers
Licensed Domain Time users may use them as primary and secondary time sources. You may, of course, also use these servers for testing purposes, but please do not use these servers regularly unless you are a Greyware customer!

Note: these servers are provided for convenience only; we do not guarantee the availability and accuracy of these systems. In particular, these servers are not guaranteed to be traceable to NIST, so they are not suitable for meeting compliance standards that require such traceability.

    Domain Time II Server
    Both IPv4 and IPv6 available
    NTP Stratum 2-4
    Protocols: DT2 (UDP, TCP, DT2 over HTTP), NTP (UDP), TIME-ITP (UDP), Daytime (UDP).
                      Note: TIME-ITP (TCP) and Daytime (TCP) no longer offered as of 23 May 2017.
    Access: Any registered customer may use this server as a time source for Domain Time Server. Please do not point individual clients at this server. Please do not check more than once per minute.

    Domain Time II Server
    Both IPv4 and IPv6 available
    NTP Stratum 2-4
    Protocols: DT2 (UDP, TCP, DT2 over HTTP), NTP (UDP), TIME-ITP (UDP), Daytime (UDP).
                      Note: TIME-ITP (TCP) and Daytime (TCP) no longer offered as of 23 May 2017.
    Access: Any registered customer may use this server as a time source for Domain Time Server. Please do not point individual clients at this server. Please do not check more than once per minute.

Public NTP Servers
There are hundreds of NTP/SNTP servers available on the Internet. Be a good network citizen; if you have more than 100 clients on your network, your main server may qualify for connecting to a Stratum 1 server, otherwise you should pick a Stratum 2 server.

Amazon Time Sync Service
Amazon Time Sync service provides a no-charge NTP service for any instance running in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). The service is available at the IP address.


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