Knowlegebase Article Index

Problem: Comments has been registered, but still shows up as an evaluation version.
KB1001.001 – 23 May 2002
Comments says it's registered when run from the command line, but says it's not registered when run by the web server as a CGI program...

Problem: 'Application misbehaved' error message
KB1001.003 – 23 May 2002
When you run a CGI program, the server says the application misbehaved, and that there were either missing or incomplete headers...

Problem: 'Not supported' server error message when running a CGI program
KB1001.004 – 23 May 2002
If you get an error saying 'Not Supported' then you haven't mapped your scripts directory...

Problem: Comments license key does not apply on a new server
KB1001.007 – 23 May 2002
If you move Comments to another server, or rebuild your existing server from scratch, Comments will lose its registration information...

Problem: 'Only POST method supported' error message from Comments
KB1001.009 – 23 May 2002
When you POST a form to comments.exe, sometimes you get the error 'Only POST method supported...'...

Problem: Access denied error when trying to change a password with Domain Password
KB1001.010 – 26 February 2003
This is a domain configuration problem. Your NT domain must be set up to allow password...

Problem: Comments cannot send email
KB1001.011 – 31 August 2003
When you try to send email using Comments, you receive one of several error messages on the browser or in the comments.log file...

Problem: CGIShell displays an error number and message
KB1001.014 – 5 May 2002
If CGIShell encounters a problem while trying to run your program, it will display...

Problem: Comments says the SMTP host isn't set when run by the web server as a CGI
KB1001.022 – 23 May 2002
If Comments appears to be set up correctly when you run it from the command line, but can't find the SMTP host...

Problem: Domain Time is blocked by a firewall
KB1001.033 – 1 October 2014
If you are using Domain Time to obtain the time from external time sources, you may experience problems if you have a firewall in place...

Problem: Firewall or proxy authentication fails
KB1001.034 – 3 September 2003
Your firewall or proxy server may allow traffic when you are testing, but not when Domain Time is running as a service...

Problem: IIS returns error '405 Method Not Allowed' when posting to a CGI script
KB1001.405 – 23 May 2002
IIS returns '405 Method Not Allowed' or asks you to check your MIME mappings...

FAQ: How to upgrade to a newer version of a Greyware product
KB1001.501 – 23 May 2002
If you don't have an Greyware account set up, but have purchased a license for our software in...

Problem: Error 135 or 'The parameter is incorrect' when using GWMail32 or GWXMail
KB1001.723 – 23 May 2002
When you try to send email using GWMail32 or GWXMail, you may see error 135...

Problem: GWXMail error 0x800FFFF (or other) using REGSVR32
KB1001.800 – 6 September 2006
Microsoft's REGSVR32.EXE program is used to register all Active X server components. If you don't have the most recent version...

FAQ: How to locate a DEC Alpha version of a Greyware product
KB1001.901 – 23 May 2002
If an Alpha version is available, it will be shown on the list...

FAQ: Finding and choosing a public time server
KB2001.001 – 23 May 2002
If you are using a public time server as your trusted time source, you need to pick...

Problem: The Windows Time (W32Time) service turns itself back on
KB2001.002 – 11 Oct 2019
If you have set the W32Time service to NoSync, it may switch back to NT5DS or NTP...

FAQ: How can I enable NTP or DT2 broadcasts in Domain Time?
KB2001.708 – 11 June 2015
Domain Time supports NTP and DT2 broadcasts, both sending and receiving...

Problem: "[Control] Access Denied" using Domain Time II Manager, Client, Server, Update Server, or Audit Server
KB2001.728 – 4 November 2021
When you try to control a remote machine using Domain Time II Manager, you get 'Control Access Denied' and all of the buttons are grayed out. Or you receive 'Access Denied' messages using Update Server or Audit Server...

FAQ: What are 'advisory signals' and 'cascade signals' and how do they work?
KB2001.809 – 12 June 2015
Cascade and advisory signals are UDP packets sent to port 9909...

Problem: Membership Monitor reports do not include who made an account change
KB2001.815 – 12 June 2015
Membership Monitor reports do not include who made an account change...

Problem: Domain Time system tray icon changes from the Domain Time logo to a flashing clock
KB2001.924 – 2 February 2002
The Domain Time system tray icon changes from the Domain Time logo to a flashing clock if a problem is detected...

FAQ: How to specify the source port for DT2, NTP, or TIME/ITP
KB2001.A04 – 12 June 2015
Domain Time II will use any available ephemeral port as the source port when sending requests, unless...

Problem: The Windows Time (W32Time) service generates Event ID 49 and won't start
KB2002.101 – 12 June 2015
The Event Viewer may show Event ID 49 from the W32Time service, saying 'the port may be in use'...

FAQ: How do I change the service log filename or path?
KB2002.329 – 7 February 2013
Change the default filename or location of the service text log...

Problem: System Change Log reports do not include who made an account change
KB2002.410 – 19 November 2010
System Change Log reports do not include who made a change to a monitored path...

Problem: "Could not send level 1 cascade trigger to .... Error 10054: connection reset by peer"
KB2002.502 – 12 June 2015
When you examine the Domain Time II Server logs, you see the entry 'Could not send level 1 cascade trigger to ...'...

FAQ: How do I control when Domain Time II overrides the maximum disparity setting?
KB2002.522 – 23 May 2002
Domain Time overrides the maximum disparity when it has reason to doubt its own time...

Problem: The Detour Service occasionally stop responding, especially under heavy traffic loads
KB2003.623 – 16 August 2003
The Detour Service Denial-of-Service (DoS) protection can prevent the service from responding if the thresholds are set too restrictively...

Problem: Variance Reports from Domain Time II Manager or Monitor Service do not include all machines
KB2003.806 – 23 May 2002
Variance reports from Domain Time II Manager or Monitor Service do not include all machines...

Problem: Domain Password installed but not responding on Windows Server using IIS
KB2004.1021 – 27 April 2005
Domain Password installed but not responding on Windows Server using IIS...

Problem: Windows Time clients do not synchronize with Windows domain controller running Domain Time II
KB2005.1104 – 4 November 2010
Windows Time clients do not synchronize with domain controller running Domain Time II...

Problem: CGI programs are installed but not responding on Windows using IIS
KB2005.502 – 11 June 2015
CGI programs are installed but not responding on Windows using IIS...

FAQ: How do changes in Daylight Saving Time or time zones affect Domain Time?
KB2007.103 – 10 November 2008
How Domain Time relates to Daylight Saving Time...

FAQ: How do I configure Domain Time II on a virtual machine?
KB2007.418 – 17 September 2013
Best practices for using Domain Time II on virtual machines such as VMware, Hyper-V, etc...

Problem: Systems using AMD processors experience excessive time drift or jumps
KB2007.817 – 31 August 2007
Machines running AMD processors may have large clock drift or show large time corrections in the logs...

Problem: A dialog pops up indicating "Security Warning," "The publisher could not be verified," "Unknown Publisher," or other warning when a program starts
KB2008.122 – 10 November 2010
Loading a system tray icon during user log in or manually launching a program executable causes a security dialog pop-up...

FAQ: How to configure Domain Time Client, Server, or DTLinux when making a cloned OS image
KB2008.909 – 07 Jan 2021
How to configure Domain Time Client, Server, or DTLinux when making a cloned OS image...

Problem: You receive an 'Error 6: The handle is invalid' message when installing or configuring Domain Time remotely on Windows XP/2003"
KB2010.1104 – 4 November 2010
You receive an 'Error 6: The handle is invalid' message when installing or configuring Domain Time remotely on Windows XP/2003...

Problem: A fully-specified IPv6 address entered into a field on a Domain Time II v5.x dialog is not parsed or saved correctly."
KB2011.309 – 9 March 2011
A fully-specified IPv6 address entered into a field on a Domain Time dialog is not parsed or saved correctly. The actual address used may appear truncated or have nodes missing...

Problem: System Change Log reports "Unable to resolve parent index" errors
KB2011.720 – 20 July 2011
System Change Log reports 'Unable to resolve parent index' errors...

FAQ: How does Domain Time handle leap years and leap seconds?
KB2012.125 – 3 June 2015
An explanation of leap year and leap second handling...

Problem: Time sync with Domain Time Server fails with the logged error "The digital signature of the object did not verify."
KB2012.626 – 6 June 2012
Domain Time Servers or Clients using packet authentication cannot communicate and time is not synchronized...

ADVISORY: Possible time issue due to erroneous leap second advertisement
KB2012.717 – 18 July 2012
Problems from uncanceled leap second advertisements by NTP/PTPv2 Servers and how to resolve them...

Problem: Clock drift increases over time (runaway clock), even though Domain Time appears to be correcting the clock properly
KB2013.805 – 8 May 2013
Clock training adjustments get progressively larger until the Phase Adjustment maximum is reached...

FAQ: Is Domain Time susceptible to ntpd vulnerabilities or being used in NTP amplification attacks?
KB2014.129 – 11 Dec 2019
A discussion of NTP-specific denial of service attacks...

FAQ: How to move Domain Time II Server, Manager, and Audit Server to a new machine
KB2014.916 – 23 April 2018
Instructions on how to move Domain Time Server, Manager, and Audit Server components to a new machine...

Problem: You receive 'Sync trigger detected - Clock Change: WM_TIMECHANGE broadcast detected' messages in your logs
KB2015.401 – 1 April 2015
Domain Time Server or Client logs report "Sync trigger detected - Clock Change: WM_TIMECHANGE broadcast detected...

FAQ: Common errors, warnings, and notifications when using Domain Time
KB2015.729 – 24 Sep 2019
An brief explanation of the most common error/warning/info messages...

Problem: You receive a Sorry! Internal error or misconfiguration. Please check with your system administrator response when attempting to change a password. Error 1265 is logged.
KB2016.1014 – 14 October 2016
Domain Password indicates Internal error or misconfiguration and logs Error 1265...

FAQ: Installation and Limitations of Domain Time II on Windows Nano Server
KB2017.111 – 11 January 2017
Describes the installation process and operating limitations of Domain Time on Windows Nano Server...

Problem: Domain Time Audit Server's expand binary sync log database files to text files function stops working. Error 223 may be logged.
KB2018.0331 – 31 March 2018
Domain Time Audit Server's binary to text conversion function stops working. Error 223 may be logged...

Windows logs System event error 21 'The time service has no source of accurate time' when Client is set to NoSync mode.
KB2018.1016 – 16 Oct 2018
When Domain Time's Windows Time mode is set to NoSync, Windows may report error 21 from the Time-Service...

FAQ: Domain Time and PTP v2.1 Authentication
KB2019.331 – 14 July 2020
An overview of how Domain Time implements the IEEE 1588 2008 v2.1 authentication mechanisms...

FAQ: Domain Time and NDIS Software Timestamps
KB2019.708 – 07 July 2019
An overview of how Domain Time implements Microsoft's NDIS software Timestamps...

Domain Time loses PTP sync and reports its state as faulty.
KB2019.915 – 20 Jul 2021
If Domain Time detects a duplicate PTP clockIdentity, it will disable itself and report as Faulty...

Problem: You receive 'Sync trigger detected - New IP Address' or 'NewIPAddress' messages in your logs
KB2020.831 – 1 April 2015
Domain Time Server or Client logs report "Sync trigger detected - New IP Address...

FAQ: How to register Greyware software
KB2021.119 – 19 January 2021
How to register Greyware software and apply license keys...

FAQ: Is Domain Time susceptible to Log4J vulnerabilities?
KB2021.1220 – 20 Dec 2021
Domain Time is not susceptible to Log4J exploits...

FAQ: Determining TAI-UTC Offset options
KB2021.328 – 28 Mar 2021
How to determine what TAI-UTC offset setting is correct based on what the master is advertising...

FAQ: Potential vulnerability in Check for Updates function in Domain Time
KB2021.409 – 8 Apr 2021
Potential vulnerability in Check for Updates function in Domain Time prior to v5.2.b.20210331...

Problem: You receive 'Could not get time: error 87: The parameter is incorrect' or 'Unable to fetch machine RID' messages in your Slave logs
KB2022.1018 – 1 April 2015
Domain Time Slave Server logs report "Could not get time: error 87: The parameter is incorrect...

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All Trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.
Greyware Automation Products, Inc.
308 Oriole Ct, Murphy, TX 75094
972-867-2794 (voice)

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