Documentation\Technical\Resources\Software Requirements
Network Environment
Domain Time II components communicate with each other using UDP port 9909 regardless of what time protocols are
used for time synchronization. You should ensure that UDP port 9909 traffic (including
UDP broadcasts on port 9909) can pass freely between all subnets.
All components will benefit from a properly configured WINS and DNS environment. This setup allows quick and efficient
resolution of individual machine names to IP addresses. There are, however, workarounds for situations where WINS, DNS,
or both are not available. IP address resolution uses the standard Berkeley/Winsock gethostbyname() call. To test
your network's capabilities, use PING against a NetBIOS name.
For details on the discovery process and NetBIOS to IP name resolution, please see
The Discovery Process.
Supported Hardware and Operating Systems
IMPORTANT: These requirements pertain specifically to Domain Time Version 4.1 (and earlier, as indicated).
For newer versions, please refer to the current release requirements.
For highly-detailed information on the resources used by these applications, see the
Resource Impact Statement.
Domain Time II Server
x86 (32-bit) - NT4/2000/XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) *, with TCP/IP installed.
x64 (64-bit) - XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) *, with TCP/IP installed.
Alpha - Windows NT4, with TCP/IP installed. (Domain Time II version 3.2. only).
- * v4.1 is now only provided for backwards-compatibility purposes for older OS versions (through Win2k). XP and later should use Domain Time v5.x
- DTTray System Tray applet not accessible when running on Windows Server Core.
- Using Domain Time II Server to serve time while running on a virtual machine is not supported.
- NT 3.51 can run version 2.1 of Domain Time II Server. If you need this older version, please write to
Greyware Tech Support.
Domain Time II Clients
Windows Clients
Full Client, Thin Client, Ultra-Thin Client, and DTSet Command-line Client
x86 (32-bit) - Win95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) *, with TCP/IP installed.
x64 (64-bit) - XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) *, with TCP/IP installed.
Alpha - Windows NT4, with TCP/IP installed. (Domain Time II version 3.2. only).
- * v4.1 is now only provided for backwards-compatibility purposes for older OS versions (through Win2k). XP and later should use Domain Time v5.x
- DTTray System Tray applet is not accessible when running on Windows Server Core.
- NT 3.51 can run the Thin, Ultra-Thin, or DTset Clients but not any other components.
- Win95 requires Winsock2 and either (a) MSIE 4.0 or greater, or (b) version 4.72 or greater of comctl32.dll.
These patches are free downloads from Microsoft. NOTE: Only Win95 needs these patches. Win98, ME, NT4/2000/XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) are ready
for Domain Time II already.
You may download the Winsock2 upgrade directly from
or you may get it from Greyware
(provided as a convenience only; see Microsoft's site for support, licensing, and instructions).
If you don't already have MSIE 4.0 or greater, you may download it from
Microsoft. If you don't want to install MSIE, you may upgrade your
common control library (comctl32.dll) instead. You can get the upgrade directly from Microsoft, or you can download
401comupd.exe from us
(provided as a convenience only; see Microsoft's site for support, licensing, and instructions).
Windows for Workgroups Client (domtimew)
Windows for Workgroups 3.11, with NetBEUI, IPX/SPX, and/or TCP/IP installed
Intel platform only. The client must share at least one network protocol with its server, and the server must
be providing the Domain Time I time protocol.
'NIX daemons
- Linux
Intel x86 Architecture, Kernel 2.2 or later
- Solaris
Version 7 and later on Intel x86 Architecture
Domain Time II Management Tools
The Management Tools consist of Domain Time II Manager, the Monitor and Update
Server system services, plus a number of special-use utilities.
They have the following requirements unless otherwise indicated on the
Other Tools page:
x86 (32-bit) - NT4/2000/XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) *, with TCP/IP installed.
x64 (64-bit) - XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) *, with TCP/IP installed.
Alpha - Windows NT4, with TCP/IP installed. (Domain Time II version 3.2. only).
- * v4.1 is now only provided for backwards-compatibility purposes for older OS versions (through Win2k). XP and later should use Domain Time v5.x
- Some functions require file access through administrative file shares and Remote Registry access using Windows Networking.
- Any tools that calculate comparative time variances (such as Domain Time II Monitor Service, the Domain Time II Manager variance report,
DTCheck utility, etc.) cannot be relied upon to provide accurate results when executed from a virtual OS. These should be run on physical machines.
Domain Time II Audit Server
x86 (32-bit) - NT4/2000/XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) *, with TCP/IP installed.
x64 (64-bit) - XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2) *, with TCP/IP installed.
- * v4.1 is now only provided for backwards-compatibility purposes for older OS versions (through Win2k). XP and later should use Domain Time v5.x
- Domain Time II Server must be installed on the same system where Audit Server is installed.
- Domain Time II Audit Server is not supported on virtual machines.
- The Audit Server machine must have sufficient disk space to hold all audit records and sync
logs collected. You may use the Audit Space Estimator
to calculate disk usage for Audit Records. Sync log sizes can be estimated based on ~20 bytes of log space per synchronization.
- Some functions require file access through administrative file shares using Windows Networking.
- Collected Sync Log files, Daily Audit Summaries, and Audit records cannot be viewed from Audit Server running on Windows Server Core.
Domain Time II Windows Time Agent
The Windows Time Agent is a special-use Control Panel applet included with Domain Time II
Server and Client services. It is also available as a stand-alone utility.
Domain Time LMCheck Utility
LMCheck is a utility included with the Domain Time II Management Tools. It is also available as a stand-alone utility.
x86 (32-bit) - NT4/2000/XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2), with TCP/IP installed.
x64 (64-bit) - XP/2003/2003 R2/Vista/2008 (not R2), with TCP/IP installed.
Alpha - Windows NT4, with TCP/IP installed. (Domain Time II version 3.2. only).